Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Most Dreaded Question

If you have ever uttered the words "What am I doing with my life?" either to yourself or to any human being in your vicinity, then we can be friends. My name is Sara, I love having my future planned, and I am the ultimate creature of habit. However, on May 2nd 2015 I will be graduating from FSU with my master's degree in mental health counseling. And guess what? For once in my life I am entirely unaware of what step comes next. What will I do on May 3rd? L-O-L Well, I'm currently an intern working with substance abuse and I often use the phrase "one day at a time." Today I am a student and I will put my heart into my day's work...But then I will secretly go home, continue to freak out about my future, and cope through binge watching Netflix and eating chocolate. Remember to do as I say, not as I do.

I created this blog as an assignment for class, but I have a love for spewing my crazy thoughts so this will be easy. As a future counseling graduate, I can say with certainty that this field is incredibly broad and filled with so many opportunities. So these posts will be full of resources related to the field and particularly my experiences working in substance abuse. Also, you'll become accustomed to my awkward ramblings and unique commentary of the world around me.

All in all, someday I hope to be a therapist who is able to motivate clients to find what is remarkable and special about who they are. I am a firm believer that people don't remember what you say, how you dress, how physically attractive you are, but they do remember you made them feel. Well, I want to make people feel important and counseling is the avenue I have chosen to do so. Getting paid to make people feel good seems like a pretty sweet deal (if only I hadn't racked up such a horrifyingly steep debt of student loans along the way). Don't get me wrong, I still go to work and feel like I have no idea what I'm actually doing and sometimes feel incompetent. In fact I quite often feel like the dog in the picture above. But life is a journey...so I'm here for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Netflix and chocolate are a wonderful combination. :) Looking forward to this semester's ride via the blog!
