Community Resources

Please check out these awesome mental health resources and agencies in the Tallahassee area!

NAMI Tallahassee: This link is to a list of local community resources and agencies, however this is also the officially website for the local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Here you can find community resources, updates on local events, NAMI Tallahassee programs, participate in discussion groups, and take a look through their newsletter.

Tallahassee Memorial Behavioral Health Center: Here you can find more information on the behavioral health center where I currently intern. Read up on the variety of services offered in terms of mental health, substance abuse, and the employee assistance program, consisting of both outpatient and inpatient treatment programs.

Apalachee Center: Another great option for mental health services in the Tallahassee area, this website provides you with information on services, including inpatient, outpatient, and residential treatment, more community resources, mental health news, contact information for their 10 locations across 8 counties in north Florida.

Local Support Groups: From Tallahassee Memorial Hospital's website, this is a comprehensive list of support groups in Tallahassee, covering an incredibly diverse spread of issues, such as diabetes, parkinson's disease, caregivers, depression, and many others.

Tallahassee Mental Health Resources and Agencies: Here is a really useful compilation of additional mental health community resources and agencies published by Tallahassee Community College, including summaries of services provided, phone numbers, websites, hours of operation, and costs for services.

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